1) Please have students bring an extra pair of clean shoes to wear in the classroom and in the gym. Also bring a water bottle to limit the number of trips to the water fountain, and this will also prevent disruptions during class time.
2) Toys and Stuffies: Please keep ALL toys at home. School is a place for learning, not for playtime. This will also help avoid issues that may arise (lost and broken toys, arguments between students).
3) Birthdays: If you are planning on bringing in treats for your child's birthday, it would be greatly appreciated if you could be contact me before hand, so I am aware and able to prepared for the treats. Please keep the treats simple and be aware of possible allergies in the class, and school. Sharing of treats will occur at either first or second nutrition break, not during class time.
4) Allergies: Please read all labels on food packaging and avoid bring any food items that contain nuts and/or tree nuts.
5) If your child will be picked up early from school, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know either via e-mail or a note in the agenda. This will help your child and I to be prepare them to be ready to go. It will also be less disruptive to our class learning time. Parents will also need to sign out students in the office before picking them up.
6) School begins at 9:00am. Please try to be on time, as children who arrive late are missing out on key learning and will also disrupt learning when they enter the classroom late. Pick-up is at 3:30pm. Grade 3 students will be free to go once the bell rings. We will be exiting at the junior doors.
7) Homework: I will be trying something new this year by sending home a weekly adventure log for your child to complete. HOWEVER, it is highly encouraged that your child read at least 20 minutes a day at home. This will help with your child's reading, fluency, and writing skills. A formal reading log will not be completed. Greenboro library is a great resource for books to read at home.
I will only send work home to be completed if :
1) Your child has not completed certain learning tasks in class.
2) If there are any special learning assignments where students will need to complete work/ task at home or gather information.