Week 13

Hello families!

It's hard to believe that December begins next week!!


Monday: Adventure logs are due

Tuesday: Library- please return library books

Food drive:       Image result for food drive

Our annual Food Drive will run from November 28 - December 12 for the Pavillion Food Bank in our community.  The most needed food items are canned vegetables, fruit, stew, cookies, crackers, mac'n cheese, tea, coffee; personal items - soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc. and all household products.  $ donations are also accepted.   Each $1 = 5 food items.  

The classes who has the most donations at the end of the campaign will win a movie in the gym!

We currently have 10 non-perishable food items.  Thank you for those who have helped by bringing items in!

Scientist in Schools:  

We continue to look for parent volunteers for Dec 17, to help run centers for Scientist in Schools.

What we learned this week:


We continue to study fiction texts.  In particular "Pourquoi Tales".  

Image result for pourquoi tales
We read a few texts and analysed them together as a group.  This will prepare us for when we eventually create our own "Pourquoi Tales".  

Image result for pourquoi story planning sheet

We also read "The Story of the Nutracker Ballet" and looked that the fiction text features. 


We wrapped up our Place Value unit this week.  We will be using these concepts in our next number sense unit, addition and subtraction.  

Please continue to practice place value concepts with your child.  Also, review rounding to the nearest 10.  

Please see the following link for a rounding game we learned this week.  

You will need:

Materials needed:
  • 1 Roll It! Rounding Game Boards (see link) Link contains 2 Roll It! game boards.
  • Dice (the number of dice needed depends on the game level being used)
    • Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Ten = 3 dice
  • Small counters or beads

How to play:

Playing the game:
Object of the game: To be the first player to make a line of four in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) on the game board.
Number of players: 2 
1. To decide who goes first, each player rolls one of the dice.  The player with the highest roll goes first.
2. On your turn, roll all of the dice.  I like to have my students roll the dice into a small plastic container so that the dice don't roll onto the floor.
3. Use all of the dice that you just rolled to create a number.  You may place the dice in any order to create the number.  For example, if you rolled 4, 1, and 6, you may create 416, 461, 146, 164, 614, or 641.
  • If playing "Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Ten," you'll create a 3-digit number.
4. Depending on the game that you are playing, round the number that you created to the nearest ten/thousand/hundredth.  Then, place one of your counters on top of that number on the game board.  If your opponent's counter is already on that number, you may not place your counter on the game board.
Some examples:
In this Roll It! Rounding Game, round the number rolled to the nearest ten.

5. Players continue taking turns until one player creates a line of 4 in a row of his/her own counters on the game board.
Players win this Roll It! Rounding Game by getting four in a row!

Social Studies: 

We continue to examine pioneer life.  


We continue to do Tableau activities.  This week in groups, they were given a topic to come up with a tableau for. Topics included: A surprise party; a hockey game; building a snowman; a snowball fight; playing tag; and a birthday party. 

Students were asked to use different levels and body positions, as well as expressions on their faces. 


We completed our units on processed and unprocessed foods, and oral health.


We made Pringle can Nutcrackers.  They are currently on display in the Rotunda and will go home before the holidays.

Books we read this week:

* I read a few projectable "Pourquoi Tales" in addition to this book.

Image result for the story of the nutcracker ballet

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...