Week 14

Good evening families!


Monday: Adventure logs are due

Tuesday: Library closed

Wednesday: Field Trip to MacSkimming Pioneer Village.  

PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD IS DRESSED FOR WINTER.  We will be outside ALL DAY (only inside for lunch and to use the bathroom). 

Items your child should have for the field trip:

  • Warm winter boots
  • Snow pants
  • sweater
  • warm toque
  • mittens
  • scarf/neck warmer
  • extra socks
  • reuseable water bottle
  • warm jacket
  • extra layers

Image result for macskimming pioneer villageImage result for macskimming pioneer villageImage result for macskimming pioneer village

FOOD DRIVE IS STILL ON!  Please continue to bring in non-perishable food items or cash donations for the local food bank. Thank you for the donations we have recieved. 

Image result for food drive

What we did this week:

Language:  We started to write our "pourquoi tales".  Students have selected an animals and are now writing thir drafts of their story.  

Image result for pourquoi story

Math:  We started to focus on addition and the various strategies to solve an equation.  This week we were looking at Front end addition (also known as extended addition using extended form).  

For example:

34 + 57= 

- 30 + 50= 80  (additon the tens together)

- 4 + 7= 11 (adding the ones together)

- 80 + 11= 91 (combining the answers for the tens and the ones together)

We watched this video that explains some other addition strategies. 

We also played an addition game similar to snakes and ladders.  Students had to start at one and roll the dice, that number told them how many spaces to move, but also helped create an addition equation they had to write. The answer then became the first number in the next equation. If a student landed on a candy cane, they can slide to the next number. If they landed on a ladder, they had to climb the ladder to the top.  First to 120 wins!

Play game at home.  Click on link to access the document.  Roll, Climb and Slide

Social studies:  We continue to talk about Pioneers.

Art: This week we focused on lines and patterns.  We made funky snowmen and reindeer, and created catching snowflake mittens using pastels or crayons. 

Books we read this week:
Image result for nancy cleaver books

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...