Week 15

It is hard to believe that next week is last week of school before the holidays.  

Next week is going to be a busy one!  We need to get some work finished before the holidays, plus many fun school activities.

Let the countdown begin!!

Reminders and Primary Spirit Week 
**(Please note, these are not the same as the rest of the school's spirit week activities. We decided to change a few to make them more applicable to Primaries.)

Monday:  Adventure logs are due
Spirit week activity: Dress like your friends/ twin day

Tuesday: Scientist in school (afternoon)
Spirit week activity: Crazy hat or crazy hair day

Spirit week activity: Jersey/ team shirt day

Spirit week activity: Red and White day.  Wear red and white clothes

Spirit week activity: Pajama day!  (Please NO stuffies!)

Image result for school spirit week

What did we do this week:

Today we spent time with our Kindness buddies (Ms. Renee's DD class) to paint wooden ornaments.  

We also had our monthly assembly.  Congratualations to Ayvah and Faisal on your certificate!(unfortunately Ayvah was absent today, but will receive her certificate on Monday).  


We continue to work on our Pourquoi Tales.  They kids are enjoying working on them and sharing their stories with others. 


We are working on 2 and 3 digit addition (with and without regrouping).  PLEASE practice at home, especially over the break. If you do practice, please be sure your child is showing their work (steps) on how to solve the problem (for example carrying a ten to the tens column). 

We have been working on using expanded form addition; traditional addition; and using base ten blocks to solve the problems.  

*** Math Makes Sense Textbook practice
Please refer to lessons 6, 11 and 13 for additional addition practice for 2 and 3 digit addition.

Some websites:

Cool Math for Kids Addition lesson (Lesson 4, 5 and 6 applicable to what we are doing in class)

Roll and Add game:

With 2-3 dice, student rolls to create 2 (or 3 digit) numbers.  Once student has created 2 sets of digits, they can add them together.

Gym: We played a new holiday game called Elf Express

Social Studies:

We went on our field trip to MacSkimming Pioneer village.  We are not comparing an aspect of pioneer life to the present before wrapping up our unit.

Yes, this is a real moose head.  The kids were asking me most of the morning if it was.

A walk in the woods

Looking at how the homes were built and what materials were used.

At the woodworking shoppe

We are going to learn how to make wooden toy tops!!

This is an old ice box (refigerator)

Learning how to do some chores.
Sawing wood

Carrying water

Making corn meal

Carrying ice blocks to sell

Carrying more ice blocks

Practicing drilling holes.  I think we will be ready to tap maple trees in the Spring ;)

We are off to school

The Sadler School House

Girls and boys lined up separately 

Greeting the School Master

How to keep warm at school

Girls on one side....

Boys on the other...

Reviewing School rules.

School rules

Practising our cursive writing using a quill and ink

Someone is in trouble for using their left hand.  Left hands were not allowed to be used in the past.

Punishment for using left hand

Using chalk and slates

Tofe was not following school rules.. She is asked to do a punishment.

Someone was drawing pictures of the teacher... 

Another punishment..

School outhouse

A Building Bee!  The community would get together to help build homes and barns.  We worked together to build a mini house out of logs.  The board displays instructions on how to build the house.  


We did it!  We built a house!!!

Books we read this week:

Image result for How turtle's back was cracked bookImage result for snowmen at christmas

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...