Thank you for visiting the blog for this week!
Monday: Adventure logs are due
Tuesday: Library. Please return library books
** We are still looking for 4 parent volunteers for Dec 17 when we do Scientist in Schools.
Roberta Bondar Annual Food Drive:
Our annual Food Drive will run from November 28 - December 12 for the Pavillion Food Bank in our community. The most needed food items are canned vegetables, fruit, stew, cookies, crackers, mac'n cheese, tea, coffee; personal items - soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc. and all household products. $ donations are also accepted.
Pringles Cans: We are currently looking for LARGE/TALL Pringles Cans (or no name version) for an art activity. If you have any, please send them with your child to school. Thank you!
What did we do this week:
We have been working on the difference between fiction and non-fiction. This will prepare us for our next writing unit on "Pourquoi tales".
We continue to work on place value. Next week we will look at rounding numbers before we move into addition and subtraction.
Below is a link for some place value activities we have done in class. This will help your child practice what we have been doing in class at home.
Place value activity sheets
Social Studies:
We have been learning about early settlers (pioneers). We have been doing some readings, having discussions, and watched a couple of videos on pioneer life.
To view the videos please visit links below:
Gym: We played indoor soccer, partner tag, and garbage toss.
Health: We worked on Oral Health posters
Drama: We started to look at tableau. In a tableau, participants make still images with their bodies to represent a scene.
Monday: Adventure logs are due
Tuesday: Library. Please return library books
** We are still looking for 4 parent volunteers for Dec 17 when we do Scientist in Schools.
Roberta Bondar Annual Food Drive:
Our annual Food Drive will run from November 28 - December 12 for the Pavillion Food Bank in our community. The most needed food items are canned vegetables, fruit, stew, cookies, crackers, mac'n cheese, tea, coffee; personal items - soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc. and all household products. $ donations are also accepted.
Pringles Cans: We are currently looking for LARGE/TALL Pringles Cans (or no name version) for an art activity. If you have any, please send them with your child to school. Thank you!
What did we do this week:
We have been working on the difference between fiction and non-fiction. This will prepare us for our next writing unit on "Pourquoi tales".
We continue to work on place value. Next week we will look at rounding numbers before we move into addition and subtraction.
Below is a link for some place value activities we have done in class. This will help your child practice what we have been doing in class at home.
Place value activity sheets
Social Studies:
We have been learning about early settlers (pioneers). We have been doing some readings, having discussions, and watched a couple of videos on pioneer life.
To view the videos please visit links below:
Gym: We played indoor soccer, partner tag, and garbage toss.
Health: We worked on Oral Health posters
Drama: We started to look at tableau. In a tableau, participants make still images with their bodies to represent a scene.
Swim to Survive:
We completed our last week of Swim to Survive at Sawmill Creek Pool. Thank you to Carter and Alisa for teaching us how to Swim to survive! Certificates have been sent home. In order to complete all the skills, students needed to be able to complete the skills independently.
Today we reviewed our 3 skills: Rolling into the water; treading water (staying in 1 spot) for 1 minute and swimming 50m. We also had fun on the tarzan rope and diving board.
Feel free to sign up kids at your local pool for swimming lessons or go to a family/ public swim to continue to develop swimming skills.
Sawmill Creek pool: