Welcome to Grade 3! I hope you had a wonderful summer, filled with adventure, memories, and fun with family and friends! I am very excited to be teaching you all this year, and to get to know everyone! I hope that it will be an exciting year for all of us! I look forward to meeting all of our new grade 3 students on Tuesday, September 3!
This will be our classroom website where we will share important and additional resources that will help enhance your child's learning. The transition from grade 2 to 3 can be overwhelming at times for the children, and that's why we encourage open communication between home and school. Please feel free to write a note in the agenda, send me an email or call the office and leave me a message (I will try and get back to you ASAP).
Your child is very important to our classroom community and it is our goal to ensure that every student feels secure and included. In our class we will discuss what it means to be a good friend and how we can work together to build a fun, trusting classroom where each child is treated with respect and kindness. We will also discuss the idea that mistakes are a part of the learning process and we should all feel comfortable to share our ideas, even if it means we make mistakes along the way.
On the first day of school, the students will be getting to know each other, myself and their new learning environment.
The focus of our first week of school will be on establishing routines, developing strategies that will help enhance our learning environment and classroom culture, as well as, getting to know each other a little better.
Please keep an eye out over the first week of school for our classroom newsletter, technology agreement, and any other important forms that will need to be filled out and returned. A lot of important information will be going home over the first week of school!
Student homework bags and agendas will also be coming home on the first day of school. Please look through the agenda daily for important information. The agenda will also be an important communication tool throughout the school year. PLEASE RETURN HOMEWORK BAGS AND AGENDA DAILY!
Please have your child bring:
1) Indoor running shoes to leave at school. 
2) An environmentally friendly water bottle, filled with water (this will go home nightly).
School supplies:
If your child would like to bring school supplies to school, they are welcome to bring the following items, as most items your child will use will be supplied by the school.
- coloured pencils or markers
- glue sticks
- pencils
- scissors
*** We will not be using binders, and students will not be storing items in desks this year.
On our classroom blog, there are a variety of links. Please explore and have fun learning! PLEASE CHECK THE BLOG WEEKLY, as I will be updating it with classroom news and information (Usually on Friday evenings or Saturdays).
Your child’s homework each night will
be to read 20 minutes daily, and to do something interesting at home.
This could be helping with dinner, going for a walk, building with LEGO. An Adventure
Log has been sent home to record and share these adventures. There will also be a Literacy At Home duotang that will be sent home in a few weeks. These are reading and word work activities for your child to practice at home, to help develop their literacy skills.
There will be times when your child may come home with homework, such as special projects, or incomplete work from class.
Toys and Stuffies:
Toys and Stuffies:
Please keep all toys and stuffies at home. This is to avoid any possible issues that may arise (breaking, lose of toy, student arguments, etc...), as well as distractions to learning.
I look forward to working with you this year, to ensure your child has a successful school year!
Your Partner in Education,
Ms. Hamilton