Week #4


- Timeline assignments are due this Monday (Oct 1).  Presentations will also begin on that day.

- Adventure logs to be handed in EVERY Monday

- Please read at home for 20 minutes daily.

- NO SCHOOL THIS FRIDAY (Oct 5, 2018) due to a PD Day.
- NO SCHOOL MONDAY OCT 8, 2018 due to Thanksgiving.

This week we welcomed a new grade 2 friend to our class.  Welcome Tofe!!

Thank you for your support and donations to the Terry Fox Foundation!  Our class raised just over $40!

Here is what we did this week:

Math: We wrote our data management quizzes, and started a new unit on sorting and patterning.  

Health: Continued to talk about healthy eating and the 4 food groups. 
Click here to look at the Canada Food Guide

Science: We continued to look at properties of matter for grade 2s, and forces for grade 3s. 

Language: We are continuing our Small Moment writing. 

Art: We are continuing to work on warm and cool colours.  We looked at the work of Kandinsky- "Kandinsky's circles" and started to make Kandinsky circle trees. 
Image result for kandinsky circles

Image result for kandinsky circles tree

Gym: Cooperative games. 

Drama: Movement activities and drama games

Thursday afternoon we participated in our annual Terry  Fox Run!! 

Here are some of the books we read and discussed this week!
Image result for the button box Image result for the dotImage result for book my family tree

Photos of some of our learning activities will be posted later this weekend!  Please check back soon!!

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...