Week # 6


Adventure logs are due on Monday.  

Tuesday is library.  Please be sure to return your library books on Tuesday.  No book means no new book.

*** Please work on the new Literacy at Home duotang.  It contains things that will help your child improve their writing and reading skills.

Wednesday Oct 16 is Family Science night from 6:00-8:00pm.  This is a free evening. Scientists In School will be coming in and doing some fun science experiments that are linked to the curriculum.  It should be an exciting and fun evening!!!

Image result for scientist in the schools family science night

Get ready to smile!! :) PICTURE DAY- October 18 and 19. I will let students and families know ASAP when I found out our day for the photos.  
Image result for picture day

We welcomed a new friend this week.  Welcome Khia to the class!!

This week our focus was on KINDNESS.  This will be a school wide, year long initiative.  On Wednesday we had out Kindness Kickoff Assembly.  Students learned about kindness, watched videos and had large group and in-class discussions about kindness.  We also discussed how  and ways we can be kind at home, school, environment and in community.

Image result for ocdsb character wheel
 Having a Turn and Talk discussion about Kindness in the 4 areas.

All students at Roberta Bondar will be designing and competing in a school kindness poster contest. Kindness posters. Winners will have their posters turned into cards that will be used to sell for fundraising kindness initiatives and projects, they will also be used to thank our many school volunteers as thank-you cards.

We have started to work on these posters in class. We collaborated together as a class on the must-sees for the poster. These must-sees will be used for my evaluation. This poster will be used towards a media and an art mark.

Congratulations to our monthly KINDNESS certificate winners- Jumana and Ali!  Great job!  Keep on showing kindness.

Kindness videos from assembly. Feel free to watch and discuss with your child. What is the message?  What do you notice?

Math: We are continuing to focus on patterning.  We will likely be wrapping up this unit by the end of this week.  (**Possible show what you know quiz on Friday Oct 19). The week of Oct 22 we will be doing some measurement activities with a pumpkin.

Science: Grade 2s- Solids and Liquids.  Grade 3s- Forces and movement. 

AT HOME CONNECTION: Grade 2s- look for solids and liquids at home.  What makes them a solid and/or a liquid??    Grade 3s- look for forces? Is it a push or a pull?  What type of force is it??

Language: I am hoping we will be completing our Ouch Stories this week.  We will be moving on to descriptive writing (hopefully in time for Halloween!!)   I am also hoping to start literacy centers this week as well!

Art: We have been working on our Kindness posters, as well as our Kandinsky trees we started a few weeks ago.

Health:  We examined the Canada's Food Guide.  Please ask your child what the purpose of the guide is for and what they learned/noticed about the guide.    We also compared the guide to the First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI)  Food Guide.  
Image result for canada food guideImage result for canada food guide first nations

AT HOME CONNECTION: Record what you eat during the day or one of your meals.  How does it compare to serving recommendations in the Canada's Food Guide???

Gym: We learned 2 news games this week.  Turtle tag and Blob tag.  We had a blast with M. Leroux's Grade 2 class. 


COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...