Week # 18

Thank you for continuing to check the class blog each week!


Monday- Adventure logs due

Tuesday- Library.  Please return any library books you may have.

Thursday- Skating forms due, please!!  

Friday, January 25- NO SCHOOL!

Language: We continued to look at procedural writing (How to).  Students were asked to pick a topic to write about (for example, how to make lemonade). Students are asked to make a list of materials; write an introduction; write about 4 steps using transition words (first, then, next, finally) and finish their writing with a conclusion. 

Image result for procedural writing example grade 3

We continue to explore 2D polygons.  On Friday we had a great deal of fun playing with Tangrams.  Many students inquired about being able to use tangrams at home.  Below are some links:

Image result for tangrams Image result for tangram animals




We were making the animals from the story "Grandfather Tang's Story"


Health: We have been looking at personal safety.  Safety topics we have examined: strangers; internet safety; walking to and from school; safety at home and at school; fire safety; water safety; Halloween; safety around animals, wildlife and pets; safety with medications; etc... 

We started to made Personal Safety posters.  These will be used towards a media and health mark.  As a class, we co-created success criteria for the posters.  The criteria we came up with will be used towards their final poster mark. 

Canada Postcard Exchange: Our class is involved in the Canadian Postcard Exchange.  A group of teachers from across Canada and Ontario signed up to send postcards to each other's classes.  I signed up our class for both the Canada exchange and the Ontario exchange.  This project and experience, links well with language and social studies.  Last week we brainstormed information to include in our postcard we wanted to send to other schools/classes.  This week our postcards are complete and ready to be mailed!!!  We look forward to receiving postcards from other schools!!

Books we read this week:

Image result for how to babysit a grandma Image result for The lookout! book: A child's guide to water safetyImage result for grandfather tang's story

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...