Welcome back!!! We survived the first week back from the holiday break!
Monday: Adventure logs due
Tuesday: Library. Please bring back library books. Some students have overdue books. I will try and send home a list later next week. In the meantime, please keep an eye out at home for any Roberta Bondar library books!
Skating field trip forms will be going home later next week. Please keep an eye out in the homework bags and return them ASAP. Students will be going with Mme. Wereley. Students will need skates and skating helmets. If you do not have any, please note the school will provide the equipment.
Please ensure your child comes to school with appropriate winter attire. Students go out for recess unless it is raining hard or if the windchill is below -25 degrees Celsius.
This week:
Language: We worked on New Year's writing and word activities. For example, writing about New Year resolutions.
We also explored postcard writing. We started to brainstorm ideas for a class postcard to send to other classes as a part of the Canadian Postcard exchange.
In addition, we started to look at procedural writing (How-to writing).
Math: We wrapped up our number sense unit and started our new math unit on 2D geometry!
Science: We will be starting our next science units next week. Grade 2s will be learning about air and water; grade 3s we will be learning about soil.
Music: We have been looking at different music concepts (tempo, pitch, dynamics, etc..) as well as instrument families (brass, woodwind, percussion, and strings). Students explored different songs and discussed how the song made them feel and applied the concepts.
We examined Disney's "Peter and the Wolf", it's characters and the instruments used to represent that character.
A good website to explore these concepts is the SFS Kids website:
Books we read this week: