Week # 21

Happy 100s Day!!!!!

Image result for 100s day of school

Today marked the 100th day of school!!! 

Today we had some excitement.  There was a coyote on the school property before school began.  Students and their safety were of the utmost importance.  Ottawa Police were able to scare away the coyote before school began.  All portable students had classes inside the school today (library) as a precaution. 

** Please note, I zoomed in to take a closer photo of the coyote.  Please also note, coyotes are more afraid of humans than we are of them. 

Monthly assembly: Congratulations to Kota and Almontaser on your certificates.  They received certificates for responsibility and always being ready to learn.


Monday:  Skating (fingers crossed that the weather and ice conditions allow us to go!!)

Adventure logs are due.

Tuesday:  Library.  Please return library books

Thursday:  Term 1 report cards go home

Friday: (Feb 15) PD Day.  NO SCHOOL!

Learning from this week:


We have been working on some activities related to Chinese New Year.  

We started to work on a writing piece entitled "When I am 100 years old..."

We were able to play some word games too this week!!


We started our unit on 3D geometry.  Please review 2D geometry concepts as they connect and relate to 3D geometry.  

Today (Friday, Feb 8, 2019) marked 100 days of school.  We presented our 100s day projects to 4 classes in the Rotunda.  Everyone was very excited to present and see the projects.  I was thrilled to see such creativity and thought that went into them.  

**  If you have facebook and have liked the Roberta Bondar Public School- Ottawa page then you may have noticed a short video about your child's 100s day presentations.  Link below

Science: We are starting to wrap up our science unit.  Students are in the process of completing oral interviews based on their knowledge of their unit for an assessment. 

Gym: Since skating was canceled on Monday, I decided to send the kids out for a little treat... We tried SNOWSHOEING!!! The kids seemed to enjoy it! 

Books we read this week:

Image result for 100 day worries Image result for captain invincible and the space shapes Image result for bringing in the new year Image result for ruby's chinese new year

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...