Week #32

Image result for bring on the sunshine

Heres hoping for more sunny and warmer days ahead

Happy Ramadan to those who are celebrating this month!!Image result for happy ramadan


Sunday: Ramadan starts (please let me know if your child will be fasting or partially fasting)

Monday: Adventure Logs are due

Tuesday: Library.  Please return any library books

Wednesday: Spirit wear order due. 

It is that time of year.  Please take the time to check your child's head for any signs of lice.  

For more information please visit:

For Arabic version: 

Congratulations to Tasmir and Logan on receiving certificates this month (unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the boys with their certificates).

Postcard update:  Our board is getting full.  Still waiting for a few more postcards to come in across Canada and Ontario.

Our class plants are growing!  Last week the Grade 3s planted some plants. They decided to really sprout over the past weekend!


Our beans and peas are starting to grow roots.




Our tomato plant has started to sprout
Beans and peas are now showing roots and starting to sprout


More growth! The kids have been excited to see the progress the plants have made!  More plants are sprouting in our pot.  Many different kinds of flowers!!


We have been watching the movie Disney's Earth (2007) the last few days.  Feel free to watch it at home.  All about animals, plants and habitats. 

If your child is enjoying Earth, Disney has a movie called Ocean.  

What we learned this week:


 We are continuing with EQAO writing practice.  Also worked on our splat art writing.

We completed our unit on time.  We will be moving on to multiplication.


Pointillism.  We were introduced to artist George Seurat. We painted paintings using dots (points) to create remarkable pictures. 

Related imageImage result for george seurat
Image result for george seurat

Science: We are continuing to work on our animals and plant research projects. 

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...