Week #38

9 school days left until summer.....

Image result for 9 more school days


Please ensure all library books are returned to the library.  There are a few students who still owe the librarian books.  Please talk to your child.  The few students who still owe books are aware. 

Monday: Kindness Tag  (we will tag another class later in the week)

Tuesday: MASC performance for all primary students.  GRADE 2s will be joining the other grade 2 classes for an amusement park building activity for science!

Volunteer breakfast

Wednesday: Winterwood permission forms due

Friday: Right to Play.  Please dress for the weather.  Right to play happens regardless if it is sunny or raining!

NO MORE PIZZA AND MILK UNTIL NEXT SCHOOL YEAR!!  Thank you parent council for a wonderful program!
Image result for no pizzaImage result for no milk

We will be having various fun learning activities over the upcoming last few schools days.

Today we had our play The Great Kapok Tree.  The students did a wonderful job. The students and teachers in the primary classes that came to visit us really enjoyed the play.  

I am sorry the volume is not great in the video.   If you have any photos of the play, would you mind sharing them with me? Please feel free to email them to me at lorie.hamilton@ocdsb.ca
 Thank you!

We were fortunate enough to be invited to Mme. Annabelle's grade 3 class to look at the bridges they built.  Our grade 3s will be doing a similar activity next week to wrap up their unit on structures.

Here are just a few of their bridges. Discuss with your child about what made these bridged strong and stable.

We had computer training again this week with Mrs. Toxopeus.  We worked with the Google extension Equatio, a math-based application.  

What we learned this week:


We started to work on our poetry unit.   We learned about acrostic poems, alphabet poems, colour poems, 5 senses poems.  More next week!!  


We continued with probability.  We even played Bean Boozled!!
Image result for bean boozledImage result for bean boozled

Unfortunately, most of the class ended up with the bad jelly beans. Yuck!!


The grade 3s explored the 4 different types of bridges.  We also had a challenge. Students were given 30 cups.  They were asked to build the tallest structures they could without having to support their structure.  They were very creative and came up with many ways to build a tall tower.

The grade 2 students who missed out on our lever exercise completed it this week.  We also looked at wedges, such as our teeth and a nail. Please ask your child to explain what they learned about levers.  

Books we read this week: 

Image result for bad kitty books

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...