Week 2

We just completed our first full week of school!!
Image result for school fall


Adventure logs (green duotangs) are due

Pizza Forms are due

First library day!

** Please ensure your child has a pair of shoes that fit, to keep at school.  Outdoor shoes should not be worn inside the school (gym and classroom).

Image result for running shoes

September is always a busy month. We are getting to know each other, remembering rules and expectations, working on curriculum, etc.

How can you help at home?
* Read. Read. Read.
Read with your child as often as you can. Read to them, listen to them read, and discuss with them what you read. Students should be reading at least 20 minutes daily at home

Visit my blog link for Reading at Home for more information https://mshamiltonbondarclassroom.blogspot.com/p/reading-at-home.html

* Talk to your child about some of the important events that have happened throughout their life - moving houses/schools, birth of a sibling, important accomplishments, etc.

We continue to work on building our classroom community.  We are having discussions about respect, kindness, friendship, and of course community.  Books and videos have helped facilitate these discussions.  We have especially been working on conflict resolution.

Here are just a few of the videos:


 We have been working on our "small moment" narrative writing.  Students were asked to brainstrom what they did over the summer and select one event.  They are working on narrowing in on the single event and adding detail about it.  Using a graphic organizer, students are creating an introduction, a middle (first, then, last), and a conclusion. We are looking for the "seeds", not the whole watermelon. 

Image result for small moment writing anchor chart


We are continuing our unit of data management (graphing).  We spent a lot of time this week sorting, looking at attributes (characteristics), creating, analysing and reading various graphs (venn diagram, pictograph, bar graph).

Below are some of our venn diagrams:

Buttons- Big buttons, buttons with 4 holes, and buttons that are big with four holes (middle)

Shapes- round shapes, red shapes, shapes that are round and red (middle)

Shapes- small shapes, red shapes, and shapes that are small and red (middle)

Transportation- red modes of transportation, transportation that can fly, both (middle)

Transportation- water vehicles, purple vehicles, both (middle)

Animals- Green animals, animals that live in the zoo, both (middle)


We are continuing to look at forces.  Forces are a push or a pull.  Pull= moving an object towards you.  Push= moving an object away from you. 


We are looking at the colour wheel.  We are examining primary (red, yellow, and blue) and secondary colours (purple, orange, and green ---> colours that need to be mixed by primary colours to make that colour).

We worked on creating colour wheel eyes and Mondrian animals (using only primary colours and squares). 

Books we read and discussed this week:

Image result for math counts sorting Image result for the great graph contest Image result for do unto otters Image result for how i spent my summer vacation Image result for ralph tells a story 

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...