Week 6

Image result for happy thanksgiving

First and foremost I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you enjoy the long weekend with family, friends and delicious food.


No School on Monday due to Thanksgiving

Please complete and return the purple form that was sent home.


Adventure Logs are due


PICTURE DAY WILL BE ON THURSDAY OCT 17 for Primary and Junior classes.  If your child is away, they might be able to attend the second photo day on Friday Oct 18.  PHOTO RETAKE DAY will be Nov 6.
The background will be blue.  Please avoid wearing white or black.
Image result for picture day

Regardless of the number of discussions about being kind,  respectful, strategies to use, and problem solving discussions (for example W.I.T.S and other solutions) in class, we continue to have daily issues arise, especially at recess.  Many teachers, including myself, have been working with the class on solving the issues.  I would appreciate it if families could discuss some strategies at home, and also about kindess and friendship.  We are working on creating a community of kindness and respect within the school and classroom.  Thank you for your support. 

What we did this week:

This week we did a special Thanksgiving writing activity. We imagined what we would do it we were a thanksgiving turkey.

Math:  We continued with number patterns.  Please continue to practice these at home. 

Social Studies: We continued to learn about the Wendat First Nations group.

Image result for the wendat Image result for the wendatImage result for the wendat
Review with your child what they know about the Wendat.  Where did they live?  What is the name of their homes?  What did they eat?   Did they live in a large village or a small village?  How did they travel?  How did they make their tools?

Answer: The Wendate lived near rivers and water in Upper Canada.  They lived in a large community of over 1000 people.  They did not move around. They lived in one spot.  Their homes were called longhouses.  More then 1 family lived in the longhouse.  They hunted meat, fished, and planted crops (corn, squash, etc..).  Nothing went to waste.  They made tools and weapons from bones, antlers, rocks, and clay.  They traveled by canoe, by foot, and by snowshoes. They build large fences around their village to protect from enemies. 

Art: We completed our cornucopia placemats

Health: We continued our discussion of processed vs unprocessed foods.

Gym:  Cooperative games

Books we read this week:

Image result for turkey trouble Image result for the great turkey raceImage result for how to catch a turkeyImage result for the great thanksgiving escapeImage result for I am human

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...