Week 17

Image result for welcome back from the break

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing 2 weeks!

We back into the swing of things.  Trying to get things done before the first term report cards go home.


Monday: Adventure Logs are due

Tuesday: Library is back!  Please return all library books

**** Wednesday: If the OCDSB Secondary teachers hold a 1-day strike today, then the school will be closed. Please listen to the radio, news or look on social media to confirm whether the school will be open on closed.  At this moment, please make alternative arrangements for your child in case of school closure. 

For more information, please visit:


Friday: Pizza Day

What we did this week:

- Continued reading assessment with Ms. Hamilton
- Finishing our Pourquoi Stories
- New Year's resolution writing and work

Math: We wrapped up our unit on addition.  Thank you for working with your child at home on their addition skills.  We started our unit on 2D geometry (looking at polygons and angles).

For additional practice or review of 2D concepts, please visit the link below.  Focus on Lessons 1-7.  

Geometry extra work/ review link

Science:  We wrapped up our unit on forces and started a new unit on structures. 

Music: We started our music unit this week.  We discussed musical terms like dynamics, pitch, tempo, rhythm; as well as examining the 4 families of instruments (woodwind, brass, percussion, and strings).

http://www.sfskids.org/classic/templates/home.asp?pageid=1  This is a wonderful website we have been exploring, in order to learn about these terms and instruments.
 Image result for instrument familyImage result for instrument family Image result for instrument family Image result for instrument family

Gym: We started to learn how to play a game called Borden ball.

Books we read this week:

 Image result for squirrel new year resolutionImage result for the greedy triangle 

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...