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Good afternoon families!

Happy first day of spring!

I hope this blog finds you well.  

Today the Ontario government announced a supplementary resource available for students to practice their math and language skills. These resources are not to replace what students have learned in school, but to allow for students to maintain their knowledge of concepts while at home during these unusual times. 

To access the government resources, please visit the link below.

In addition to these resources, please continue to use the resources I have made available on my blog, in particular my last 2 blog posts  (Week 24 and 25).  

I look forward to seeing everyone as soon as we get the green light to return to school.  I miss all of my students dearly.  

Please continue to listen to the news for more announcements. If there are any changes, I will try my best to contact you all via e-mail.

Please stay safe and healthy!

Lorie Hamilton.   

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...