COVID-19 March 30-April 3 2020


Dear families,

I will start this week off with some links your child can become familiar with and will be encouraged to visit daily or frequently. 

  I will be meeting virtually with our staff to see how they would like us to move forward.  

As previously mentioned, the Government has created a website with supplemental learning resources for students.  Please visit

If you have any questions, please email me at if you have any questions. I will be happy to answer them.  Please keep an eye on your email as well. I will try to continue to send any resources and information over the upcoming weeks. Especially as we know more about how to proceed moving forward.  This week please have your child familiarize themselves with the websites/ links I provided below. I hope to send more work soon. Also, visit the class blog for additional resources.

Please visit the board website for up-to-date information. Feel free to send me photos or videos of your work!!  I would love to see how you are doing!!!

Useful tools while learning at home:
  • Notebook or binder and paper to complete work
  • Pencils
  • Coloured crayons or pencils
  • Use of technology
Suggestion:  Try to maintain routine with your child, even though they are not physically at school. Create a timetable for your child filled with times they will work on specific subjects, snack/lunch breaks and movement breaks. Please don’t spend the whole day working on these activities.  1-2 hours is beneficial. We understand that everyone is busy during these times, and have other priorities. 
Thank you for your support.

I just signed everyone up for Raz-kids and Headsprout.  These are online reading programs. The reading program is set at your child's reading level.

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, RBPSGrade3
Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart
Step 4: Your child enters his or her password, Grade3

Practice writing:  
Keep these ideas in mind when you are writing
-         Introduction
-         detailed reasons (explain) using transition words (first, then, next, finally, ect…)
-         Conclusion
-         5 parts to a letter (date, heading, body, closing, signature)
-         Check your spelling and punctuation
Some great topics can include:  
  • Write about your weekend.
  • Write to someone or to a character in a book or game
  • How to play your favourite game?
  • Write about a story you read. 
  • Write a new ending to a story you read.
  • Write your own fiction story.
  • Would you rather play in the rain or play in the snow?
  • Would you rather bake a cake or bake cookies?
  • Do you prefer breakfast or supper?
Other online reading websites:
Epic  (code: ceg0403)
*AVAILABLE Monday-Friday from 6:00am-4:00pm

(login:   password: Grade3)

Teach Your Monster To Read.  This program is accessible via website or app (currently free to download for a limited time).

To access using website please visit:

Your child will be asked to sign in with their first name.

If using the app:  Username is your child's name. Then enter STAR CODE 3457618   There is no need for a password.

Storyline Online: 

Just Books Read Aloud: 

Canada Indigenous people stories (read and listen): 

Practice addition and subtraction every day!  Work on number facts to 20 for quick recognition.

I signed the class up for Prodigy.  This is an online math game. Visit

** For your child’s username and password, please click ---> Prodigy user names and passwords here

Other Math activities:

  • Google Search subtraction and addition worksheets. Lots of great resources!!
  • Play with money at home to $10.  Make change or find different ways to make specific amounts.
  • Add and subtract money amounts to $10.00
  • Practice telling time using an analogue clock (to the hour, half hour, quarter past, quarter to)
  • Measure items around the house using millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), meters (m).  How many mm are in 1 cm? How many cm are in 1 m? When would be use km?
  • Measure the perimeter of objects (measuring around objects).
  • Watch Brainpopjr videos about math (USER NAME: RBPSGrade3  PASS: Grade3 -access only until end of school year)
Math Sheets I provided on my blog:

Want more sheets?  This website is pretty good (It is also where the above sheets came from).

We will be studying plants and soils once school re-opens.  However, your child can study plants before their return.
  • Grow some plants at home
  • Watch Youtube videos on plants, soils, plant adaptations, plant needs, parts of plants, etc..
  • Watch Brainpopjr videos on plants and soils (USER NAME: RBPSGrade3  PASS: Grade3 -access only until end of school year)
  • Create a plant viewer (see below for instructions)
  • Watch Bill Nye videos on plants and soil

Make a plant viewer.  This will allow your child to watch plants grow and see their roots.
Materials Needed:
-clear plastic cup or clear jar
-paper towel
-bean or pea seeds (you can try with other seeds too, but these seeds grow quickly)
First, crumple up some paper towels, one at a time, and fill the cup.
Then, slip each seed between the cup paper towel paper (about halfway). You can add more than one seed around the cup.  Pour water into the center of the paper towels to moisten it.
Next, place the cup near a window.  Remember, you must keep your paper towel moist for the seeds to germinate and grow properly.
Finally, watch it grow and record your observations!

** You can always make a second cup and place it in the dark. Will the seeds grow?  Compare.

Other activities:


Other learning activities:
  • Play board games and puzzles.  These are great for working on math, problem-solving and critical thinking skills. 
  • Do word searches (easy to google). Great for word work and word recognition.
  • Do indoor and outdoor scavenger hunts
  • Lego challenges
  • Play outside
  • Help around the house
  • Do an act of kindness.

All the best,

Lorie Hamilton

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...