Week 25

Image result for winter banner

Welcome families!!


Monday: Adventure logs are due

Tuesday: Library. Please return library books

MASC presentation 9:15-10:00 (Twin Flames)
Information about the presentation: Twin Flames are joined by their puppet friends Tulugaq (Raven), Okpik (Owl), Nanuq (Polar Bear) and Nattiq (Seal), as they explain how animals and nature play a vital role in survival. This interactive show features original songs, traditional stories, and Indigenous instruments, and introduces students to Indigenous and Inuit culture.

What did we do this week:

Language: We continue to explore persuasive writing.

Students will be writing in the point of view of an inanimate object (brush, marker, book, etc..) and write a letter to themselved giving reasons why.  

Persuasive writing review:

Math: We continue to work on subtraction.  I hope to finish this unit before March Break.  

** Please practice 3-digit subtraction with your child (with and without regrouping/borrowing).  

Here are some practice sheets: 
**(Please ensure your child is showing their work/thinking to solve the problems) 

3-digit subtraction WITHOUT regrouping (click here)

3-digit subtraction WITH regrouping (click here) (UPDATED)

Here are some online base-ten blocks your child can use to help them solve the problems. 





Social Studies: We continued to work on our Ontario Landform projects.  Students should be working on their posters next week in class.  

*** Please feel free to print small photos of their landform region for their poster.  If you cannot print the photos at home, please email them to me at lorie.hamilton@ocdsb.ca and I will be happy to print black and white copies for them. 

VERY IMPORTANT: Please continue to review concepts about their region with them, especially over March Break as we will begin presentations after the break. 

Art: We worked on our "Fox in Winter" art.  This art piece allowed us to review concepts of mixing black and white with a primary colour to create tints and shades; we also reviewed light theory.  The kids did a wonderful job! 

Gym: We played a new game called "Pin Down"

Health: We started our unit on Personal Safety. This week we discussed concussions. 

Books we read this week:
Image result for don't let pigeon drive the busImage result for don't let pigeon stay up late Image result for the day the crayons quit

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...