Week 24

Image result for winter banner clipart

Hello Families!

Thank you for taking the time to read the blog.


Monday: Adventure logs are due
               Pizza orders are due

Tuesday: Library.  Please return library books

This week we welcomed a new friend to our class.  Welcome to our class Sarah!!

Wednesday, February 26 was Pink Shirt Day.  Pink Shirt Day allows us to discuss bullying and kindness,  and fight against bullying.  

For more information please visit https://www.pinkshirtday.ca/
Image result for pink shirt day

We designed pink t-shirts with anti-bullying slogans and logos.  We just need to complete a few more t-shirts to complete our display.

Yesterday was a snow day.  We only had 6 students.  They seemed to enjoy themselves in all the snow!

The Great Canadian Postcard Exchange- This week we received a few postcards from across Canada.  

What did we learn this week:

Language:  We continued with persuasive writing, and also worked on a Pink Shirt Day reading comprehension. 

Math:  We worked on subtraction (with and without regrouping).  PLEASE PRACTICE THIS AT HOME.

Here we are working on subtraction with regrouping/borrowing using manipulatives (base-ten blocks).  

Subtraction Math review and practice click here Work on Lessons 6, 12, and 14 

Social Studies: We continue to work on our social studies Ontario landform projects here at school.  Some students are continuing to work on their jot notes; some are on their rough copies, and a few are working on their posters.  

** Please remember, we are working on these projects at school.  Feel free to review your child's assigned landform with them at home so they have a better understanding.  

Art:  We started to work on our Fox in The Winter pictures.  Next week we will be adding the background details. 

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...