Week # 28

** We have had many lengthy discussions as a class about classroom expectations this week.  Please take the time to discuss expectations with your child.  Especially about working quietly (during lessons and during work times) and staying in their seats.  These interruptions affect your child, and others in the classroom.
Image result for classroom expectations


Monday- Adventure Logs Due
- Mrs. Toxopeus will be returning to do Google classroom training with the class.

Tuesday- Library. Please return any library books

Wednesday- Friday schedule at school
- International Day of Pink (anti-bullying)Image result for international day of pink 2019

Friday-  PD DAY (No school)

School Year Calendar Elementary 2018-2019

This week the Grade 2s went to the Museum of Nature with the French Immersion Grade 2s.  They had the opportunity to learn about animals and their habitats in preparation for our science unit on Animals. Unfortunately, since I was not on the trip I don't have any photographs to share of their learning adventures.  
The other grade 2 teachers said that our 4 were well behaved and it was nice to see them integrate and mingle with the French immersion students (many of whom they have gym with) and make new friends. :) 

These photos are from just a few of the exhibits at the Museum of Nature when I went over the March Break. 

This week we also had April Fool's day.  The students were not impressed with the 2 April fools day pranks I pulled on them.  The first was a fake quiz to see if they are able to follow directions.  The second was I made a pan of "Brown-E's" for them.  Boy, were they fooled!! ;)

It's wasn't the delicious chocolate treat they thought would be in the pan.

We received a few more postcards today!! One from Alberta and another one from Ontario.

Wednesday was World Autism Day.   We took some time to learn a little more about autism. 

What we learned this week:


Starting to work on EQAO writing.

We started to look at what media is, and some messages they are trying to tell us.

Image result for media

Math:  Linear measurement quiz and started fractions.

Students this week were given the question "How can 4 people share 3 cookies?"  Students worked in pairs to solve the problem, then presented their solutions.  We discuss other possible solutions.  The question was based on the book "The Cookie Fiasco".  

Grade 3s- Started our unit on plants
Grade 2s- went on field trip to start their unit on Animals (they will  have a rich background of knowledge from their experiential experience) 

Health: Legal and illegal substances.

Drama:  We are practicing to do a play called The Great Kapok Tree.  This links well with language (persuasive writing and oral language) and science (plants and animals). Students have been assigned a role. Plays will be going home this coming week so that students' can practice their roles.  I would like to have students be able to present this play at an upcoming primary assembly. 

Books we read this week:

Image result for the cookie fiascoImage result for book my friend has autismImage result for book autism zebraImage result for the great kapok tree

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...