Week 4

It is hard to believe that we have completed our first month of school!



Adventure Logs are due

Orange Shirt Day
Image result for orange shirt day

September 30th has been declared Orange Shirt Day annually, in recognition of the harm the residential school system did to children's sense of self-esteem and well being, and as an affirmation of our commitment to ensure that everyone around us matters.

For more information about Orange Shirt Day please visit http://www.orangeshirtday.org/


Library- please return library books


Earth Ranger Assembly

What we did this week:

We welcomed a new student to our class.  Welcome Halima!

Terry Fox Run

Image result for terry fox run

Thank you for your generous donations!  We surpassed our goal of $50 for the Terry Fox Foundation. In total, our classroom raised $133.25!!  Our class earned their movie and as an added bonus, I decided to provide some treats to go with the movie.   (We decided to watch the movie Jumanji)

Great job guys!!  The school grand total for donations has not been calculated yet.


We continue to work on our personal narratives.  We also did some Terry Fox activities.  For one of the activities, students were asked to complete the sentences:

Terry Fox is a hero because....

Terry Fox inspires me to....

We started off by brainstorming some responses:

Some of our completed work:


We wrapped up our unit on data management (graphing).  Students complete a "Show what you know" assessment.  They will be sent home to be signed early next week.

Next week we will start to look at patterning for our new math unit.

Social Studies:

We started our unit on Communities in Canada 1780-1850. We discussed what we would see in our communities today, and what communities might have looked like 100 years ago.   We will start to look closely at some of the Canadian First Nations communities prior to European contact (the Wendat and Anishinabe) next week. 

Drama: We started to do some drama games this week

Books we read this week:

Image result for terry fox picture bookImage result for not a box 
Image result for The best vacation ever

COVID-19 May 25-May 29, 2020

Dear families, I hope those who celebrated this weekend had a wonderful Eid!   Here is the learning grid for this week can be ...